
About Dr. Eisenhart
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1.   "Derivation of Parametric Multifreq. Coupling Coef.", Proc. IEEE (Ltrs) Vol. 58 pp. 495-496, Mar 1970
2.   "Imp. Characterization of a Waveguide Microwave Ckt."  Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Michigan, Dec 1970
3.   "Imp. Measurement of a Waveguide Mount",  IEEE-GMTT Inter. Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 44-45, 1971
4.   "Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of a Waveguide Mounting Structure" IEEE Trans. MTT-S, Vol. MTT-19, pp. 706-719, Aug 1971
5.   "Understanding Waveguide Diode Mounts",  IEEE-GMTT Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 154-156, 1972
6.   "Some Tuning Characteristics and Oscillation Conditions of a Waveguide Mounted Transferred-Electron Diode Oscillator",  IEEE Trans. Electron Devices, Vol. ED-19, pp. 1050-1055, Sept 1972
7.   "Take the Trouble Out of Diode Mounting",  MICROWAVES MAGAZINE pp. 78-81, Nov 1974
8.   "An X-band, GaAs IMPATT Power Amp",  Inter Solid State Circuits Conf Digest, pp. 132-133, 1975
9.   "Time Varying IMPATT Imp. Measurements", IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 40-42, 1976
10. "Comments on a 2-gap Waveguide Mount",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 60-62, 1976
11. "Discussion of a 2-gap Waveguide Mount",  IEEE Trans. MTT-S, Vol. MTT-24, pp.987-990, Dec 1976
12. "A Useful Equiv for a Coaxial-Waveguide Junct", IEEE Trans. MTT-S, Vol. MTT-26, pp.172-174, Mar 1978
13. "A Better Microstrip Connector",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 318-320, 1978
14. "A Matched Coaxial-Radial Trans Line Junct",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 44-46, 1978
15. "Coaxially Coupled Ridge Waveguide Tunable Oscillator",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 235-237, 1981
16. "A Better Waveguide Short-Circuit",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 360-362, 1982
17. "A Matched Turnstile Type 4-Way Divider/Combiner",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 166-168, 1983
18. "Automated Microwave Measurements in the Research Lab",  IEEE MTT-S ARFTG Digest, Nov, 1983
19. "Controlled Bias Preheating for Variable Duty Factor IMPATT Transmitter", IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 529-530, 1985
20. "An Antenna Problem in Waveguide",  IEEE Ant and Prop Inter Symp Digest, pp. 385-388, 1985
21. “Missile Solid State Transmitters,” IEEE MTT-S San Fernando Valley Chapter Presentation, Nov, 1985
22. "Matched, Dual Mode Square Waveguide Corner",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 155-156, 1986
23. "A Better Biasing Technique for IMPATT Diodes",  IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 1191-1194, 1991
24. "Dielectric Properties of Ceramics at Microwave Freqs",  American Ceramic Society Symp Proc, Sep 1991
25. "PASOTRON High-Energy Microwave Source", SPIE International Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 1629, Jan 1992
26. “PASOTRON High Power Microwave Source,” (classified), DOD High-Power Microwave Conference Proc, Aug, 1992, San Antonio, Texas
27. “Wide Band TM01-TE11 Mode Convertor,” (classified), DOD High-Power Microwave Conference Proc, Aug, 1992, San Antonio, Texas
28. “Waveguide Component Design Using HFSS,” IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp HFSS Seminar, Atlanta, GA, 1993
29. “High Power Microwave Source Based on an Unmagnetized Backward Wave Oscillator,” IEEE Trans on Plasma Science, Vol. 22, 1994
30. “Engineering Applications of EM Field Solvers,” IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Workshop Notes, San Diego, CA, 1994
31. “Phased Array Scanning Performance Simulation,” IEEE Ant and Prop Inter Symp Digest, pp. 2002-2005, 1995
32. “Finite Element Software for Microwave Engineering,” Chapter 10, pp. 211-235, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1996
33. “Appl of a Computerized Microwave Component Analyzer,” IEEE MTT-S San Fernando Valley Chapter Presentation, May, 1996
34. “Novel, High-Q Cavity Characterization Using HFSS,” IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp HFSS Seminar, San Francisco, CA, 1996
35. “Applying HFSS to Antenna Design,” IEEE AP-S Los Angeles Chapter Presentation, October, 1996
36. “A Novel Wideband TM01-to TE11 Mode Convertor,” IEEE MTT-S InterMicrowave Symp Digest, pp. 249-252, 1998
37. “Performance and Pulse Shortening Effects in a 200-kV PASOTRON HPM Source,” IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Special Issue on HPM Generation, Vol. 26, p. 354-364, 1998
38. “Frequency and Power Response of High-Power Plasma-Filled Backward Wave Oscillators,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 6, No. 6, pp. 2319-2322, June 1999
39. “Efficiency Enhancement in High Power BWOs,” IEEE Trans. on Plasma Science, Vol. 27, p. 800-809, June 1999
40. “Thermoacoustic Computed Tomography (TACT) of the Breast at 434 MHz,” IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 591-594, 1999
41. “A Retrospective on the 1999 Microwave Pioneer Award,” IEEE MTT-S Inter Microwave Symp Digest, pp. 1617-1620, 1999
42. “A Retrospective on the 1999 Microwave Pioneer Award,” IEEE Trans. MTT-S, Vol. 47, NO. 12, pp. 2202-2211, Dec 1999
43. "Improving Microwave Oven Heating Uniformity Using Grid Walls," IMPI 48 - Microwave Power Symposium 2014 Proceedings, pp.14-17, June 18-20, 2014

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